A very tiring day that was...Yesterday was our first automated election day,people all over the country were so excited to vote since this is the first time that we would experience the automated election.It would be faster this time, thus they call it automated...

We went to the polling precinct around noon and we look for our designated precinct numbers, only to be surprised that the line was too long...way too loooooong!
I went in to get a priority number that was 746, can you imagine that?.. I was #746 and they are calling 250!.., anyways I am thinking and hoping that it would just take maybe 2 hours or less, I am fine with that since I was there about noon and others were there early morning, so that should be, since it is on a first come first serve basis...

So I waited there, waiting for my turn..but it is almost 3 hours and I am still waiting...I am thinking of not voting anymore, but I said to myself, I wanted change so I have to vote...My one vote would bring a big change in my country..(hoping it does).To summarize it all I was able to vote at around 7pm in the evening..
If I have a choice I would prefer the old way of voting, in this new process, votes are automatically counted but as a voter it was very tiring....whew! glad it was over...
I was a little bit disappointed by the way it was implemented...hoping that it will be much faster and more systematic next time...see you next time!