Showing posts with label working mother. Show all posts
Showing posts with label working mother. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Just another day of my life.

Anxious, stressed out and tired!

I have been like this for the past few weeks, I have been so busy doing two jobs in one day and taking care of my family, this has been my routine every single day and it's taking its toll on me. I'm always short tempered and easily irritated.

I am not complaining though because I always have a choice and since I choose to do this so I think I can or maybe I, It is just, I am not used to having a very busy life that I find it hard to cope up with.

Balancing the act of being an employee forty hours a week and wok at home mom for twenty four hours a week as well as a mother and a wife twenty four seven is not easy. I must admit it is one tough act!

Monday, May 24, 2010


I have been busy this past few days that I only spend a little time with my daughter.
So the other day, I brought her to the mall and let her play in the play area for children..She was so happy, that before we went in there, she keeps telling me " thank you" like a hundred times..
I know that I should have enough time to be with her but sometimes my job eats most of my vacant time,not just as an employee of a company but being a mother as well but I am trying hard to balance things out.
It is hard to be a working mother, with no household help, have to go to the job early in the morning stay there for 8 hours and went home to take care of the household chores..
I know that I am not perfect but I am trying my best to do everything that I can to manage my time between my job and my child, I want her to feel that I am always there for her, and I will try my best to do so, yet sometimes there are instances that we can't but I will try to make sure that I can!